Take the OCD Self Test below. Not sure if you have OCD? Find out for sure. Our self-test is highly accurate. It was developed by Doctor Steven Brodsky, a foremost specialist in MEDICATION-FREE OCD treatment in New York and New Jersey and nationwide by teletherapy in 42 states. Dr. Brodsky is happy to speak to you himself. (Skip to Types of OCD, FAQ, or Free Consult.)
Click for Dr. Brodsky on TV.
1. Do you have disturbing intrusive thoughts that just seem to "pop into your head" that you feel you have no control over? These are OCD obsessions. Common obsessions can be about harm to yourself or others, health, cleanliness, safety, sexuality, violence, religion or morality, guilt, over-responsibility, things being out of order, appearance or body image, nonsense thoughts, or unanswerable philosophical questions.
Read more for Dr. Brodsky in the media about ROCD.
2. Do the thoughts cause exaggerated anxiety, fear, guilt, panic, or discomfort that, at times, seems irrational even to you? (Young children with OCD might not believe their thoughts are irrational.)
Watch Dr. Brodsky on TV.
3. Do you feel an irresistible urge to "fight off" the disturbing thoughts. These are OCD compulsions, which might include thinking a counteracting thought, seeking others' reassurance, reassuring yourself, researching the internet, reviewing past events, trying to resolve an unanswerable question in your mind, testing, checking if something or someone is alright, or repeating a behavior? Does this urge seem almost against your will? Compulsions often are not physical behaviors; they can also be purely mental attempts to "talk yourself out of the worry."
Click for Dr. Brodsky in the media.
4. Does your attempt to "fight off" the intrusive thought bring no relief or temporary relief at best? Do you do it anyway because you feel you "just can't stop?"
5. Do your worries and behaviors cause you more than ordinary stress, delay you, or bother others (family, friends, bosses)?
Read more about Dr. Brodsky's treatment and testimonial in a book by his former client.
6. Do you try to avoid any other type of person, place, task, or activity, or have to work very hard to overcompensate or struggle though it when you can't avoid it?
7. Is there anything else that you do extremely carefully, recheck it to be sure, or do over again until it feels right?
Dr. Brodsky discussing symptoms on TV.
If you answered yes to any of these questions, it could be Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, a common condition, shared by millions. The good news is that there's help. OCD is extremely treatable, and might not require medication. There is plenty of reason to be hopeful of overcoming this once and for all and live a normal happy life if you get the RIGHT treatment! If you are still suffering, then you simply didn't get the right kind of therapy.
Email your question or call 212-726-2390 for a free consultation about the MEDICATION-FREE treatment for intrusive thoughts, behaviors, worries, anxiety, and fears. Or make an appointment online instantly. Virtual or in-person appointments are available nationwide in 41 states from Savannah, Georgia to Seattle, Washington. We're everywhere you are. Treatment is more affordable than ever.
OCD obsessions and compulsions are defined by Dr. Steven Brodsky in this WebMD interview ...(read more)
Dr. Brodsky has physical offices that are convenient to midtown Manhattan and the entire New York Metropolitan area, New Jersey, Westchester, Rockland, Long Island, and Connecticut, and close to all subways, trains, and buses. Virtual teletherapy is available nationwide in 42 states for OCD from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Phoenix, Arizona and from Montgomery, Alabama to Memphis, Tennessee. We're everywhere you are! (This website and Dr. Brodsky's advice is for informational purposes only and is not, nor should it be construed as, treatment or diagnosis.)