Get FREE OCD advice within the next 24 hours from expert, Dr. Steven Brodsky, Founder of the OCD Hotline, a free public service that has replied to tens of thousands of questions like yours from around the world for decades. Dr. Brodsky is one of the very top OCD treatment specialists in New York and New Jersey, and nationwide via teletherapy. He is a psychologist specializing in OCD and Panic for 25 years, treating thousands of clients, with an over 90% success rate. He is the Clinical Director of The OCD & Panic Centers of New York and New Jersey and the Nationwide OCD Teletherapy Service. His education includes 5 degrees and multiple scholarships from the University of Pennsylvania, University of Chicago, and Yeshiva University including his Psy.D. (Doctorate in Psychology). He began treating OCD during his school, internship, and early post-doctoral years, working with deans, clinical supervisors, top names in psychology research, several psychiatric hospitals, outpatient treatment clinics, medical institutions, and group practices. He regularly appears in the media for expert commentary on hundreds of television and radio programs, newspapers, magazines, and online media (see below). He was the only mental health professional called upon by the City of New York to serve as a panelist in the New York City Mayor's Commission on Hoarding and OCD. He has presented to clinicians, educators, government officials, law enforcement, legal professionals, social service agencies, family and professional organizations, nonprofit and religious organizations. He wrote, contributed to, or edited several highly acclaimed books, including the popular series The Idiot's Guide to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, as well as a self-help book series for teens It Happened to Me: Anxiety, the Ultimate Teen Guide, and Confronting the Bully of OCD: Winning Back Our Freedom One Day at a Time, written and dedicated to him by his former client, Linda Maran. He began his specialization in OCD and Panic early in graduate school and has supervised many other clinicians. Contact Dr. Brodsky to ask your question, or read about his treatment and locations and the types of OCD he treats. If you're not sure you have OCD, take this self-test.